Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We've made it back from the lake safe and sound. And for the first time in a very long time, I am the last one to go to bed. I literally cannot remember the last time this happened; it is possible that it was before Phoebe was born, if ever.

We came back a little early for a doctor's appointment. If you could pray for Michael, he's been attacked by some infection or reaction in his face; we're not really sure which. The doctor is treating him for both with antibiotics and an antihistamine as well. He's in a good bit of pain, and he's pretty swollen -- it looks and feels like he's been punched in the face. I'll keep you posted.

Anyway, after the appointment we had another standing commitment that couldn't be rearranged. Michael trooped through it, and we were thankful that his parents were able to keep Phoebe overnight for all of our back-in-town events. So here we are... quiet house... even Jake is asleep.

The lake was indeed really wonderful, but no pictures yet... most of them were taken by my Mom (Michael relaxed very well at the lake), and I'm not even about to wait on Picassa to load up my pictures that I do have tonight.

But because a post just isn't as fun without a picture... here's one of the Phoebs, times two (she's posing in the mirror Michael and Dan removed from our wall before we left):

Doubly cute, don't you think?

Anyway, we're returning to our regularly scheduled life, at least for a few days, tomorrow. And now, I'm off to hit the sack with the rest of the family.

1 comment:

Carolynn said...

SO glad you're back and you had a great time. Sorry to hear about Michaels allergy/infection thingy. Let's get together soon!