Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Day

Down yonder in the South, we don't often experience "snow days". This winter, however, we've had three! We missed the first one since we were out of town, and the second produced no accumulation. This one, however, had me jumping on the bed like a third grader. Those of you who actually get real snow in the winter will laugh at my snow day. But hey, when school is canceled at the threat of snow... you'll take all the snow you can get!

There really wasn't enough on the ground to justify bundling Phoebe up at the early morning hour that it arrived, so we brought the snow in to her. Here she is experiencing a snowball:

She thought it was pretty great. She's working on teeth, so she pretty much ate the whole thing as a side dish to her toast. (It was clean, by the way. The snow. And the toast.) She ate snow instead of fruit. Same thing, right?

She also really enjoyed how it felt squashing through her fingers. Can you see Jaker's head behind the high chair, hoping for a tasty morsel of whateverthatis?

And this is what she thought about the whole snowball experience. This is the infamous "scrunchy face", which Michael thinks deserves it's own post. I'm just inserting it for fun, but I'll let him tell you all about it another time. Scrunchy face is hard to capture on film (memory stick?), but I'm thrilled we got it here!

And a non-Phoebs picture...Here's an idea of how much snow we actually had... which wasn't a ton, but still... enough to get excited about nonetheless! It was also our ticket out of yard work today, which had been the original plan.

It was a long day, in spite of the snow... I'm glad to be snuggled in with sweat pants, an old GHS shirt, and some cookies&cream. I promise to give a good old fashioned pregnancy update tomorrow, energy and nausea permitting!

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