I was adamant that I would need to see a female doctor, so I was a little aggravated when I found out that the doctor I had been scheduled to see was, in fact, a man. I was told I'd have the ability to rotate through the practice and determine which doctor I would want to keep as my "own"... but once I met with Dr. D, I never wanted to see anyone else!
I actually love my entire practice. I'd be comfortable having any of the doctors there deliver my baby, the nurses are all fantastic, my wait times are minimal, and even the lab personnel are delightful. The Lord has really blessed us with a fantastic OB, which has been a good thing... especially considering I've been to the OB about 15 times in the past 2 years!
Anyway, one of the things I really love about my OB is that I get to have a few extra ultrasounds... 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 20 weeks. I also had a "re-check" ultrasound at 24 weeks with Phoebe, and a 4-D ultrasound at 32 weeks. Any chance to get a glimpse of that little baby's growth is incredible! I'm always amazed at the amount of change that goes on in just a few weeks, and that they can actually show me pictures of it in real-time.
Yesterday, we had our 12-week ultrasound. We were delighted to see a healthy, moving little baby with hands, feet, fingers... we even spotted the baby's profile! His or her heartbeat was also a healthy, rapid 170 beats per minute (perhaps from the hot chocolate and scone I'd had for breakfast?). Considering the last pictures we had were a tiny little dot with a heartbeat, these were quite incredible to us!
...and the incredible thing, is that this is just 1/4 of the way there! After only 11 weeks of growth, this little miracle already does so much. What a beautiful creation! We are simply overwhelmed at God's tremendous gift to us.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well!" Psalm 139:13-14
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well!" Psalm 139:13-14
What a cute little bean! I think I'm loving your doctor, too! I'm excited about tomorrow!
Hooray! I love that kid already!
I'm also excited about possibly being a part of your check-up routine!
OH, ALSO! Gerald, the dude that took your order, has accurately predicted the sex of almost every baby that's been born to women that frequent Lucy's. Let me know if you want me to tell you what he thinks you're having. He really does have kind of a gift.
Thanks for sharing these amazing photos! Amen! Psalm 139 was exactly what I was thinking as I examined each picture. He IS an amazing God! Glory to His Name! Beautiful!
From one who worked for 4 years in an OB/GYN practice, it was a delight to read how great your experience has been. I loved my job and the people I was blessed to see everyday! God Bless, Love, Ms. Ann
i am so thrilled to see my "little peanut" in the flesh...well, as close as i'll get for a few months.
wish i could be there to watch the belly grow like i was last time, but am ecstatic that i can keep up with phone calls (as usual) and the blog...not to mention the fact that gus&fave are married now so visiting and vacations will be MUCH easier and more fun!!!
i love you!
kiss my little bean for me & give my love to your hubby.
mare (fave)
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