When I am blanket training, my goal is this: to teach my child to remain on the blanket joyfully with one quiet toy and one book for thirty minutes. It can be done! I promise! If I can do it, anyone can do it. And blanket training produces beautiful fruit.
In order to blanket train, you need a heavy blanket and a baby. You also need a fun (but quiet) toy and a book, if you're going to do it just the way we do it. (But really...this is just the way we do it. This is not gospel.) Gather up a timer and something for you to do (I've been folding laundry while training Nora), and you're all set.
The first thing you need to do is put the blanket on the floor. You can use a heavier "fleecy" blanket or fold a big blanket to a reasonable size. Both of our girls have been trained to sit on a 2'x3' blanket. You just want to make sure that the blanket doesn't move around too much because trust me, your child is going to test the limits anyway and you don't need the added frustration a thin blanket will cause. Place your child on the blanket with their toy and book, and tell them to stay there. Set your timer (I suggest starting very small...five minutes is a long time, especially for younger babies) and get busy with your busy work.
But watch that baby with at least one eye, because I guarantee that baby is going to find out if you mean what you say. When your baby ventures off the blanket (be it a finger or their entire body), gently remind them that Mommy said to stay on the blanket. Follow up with your preferred method of discipline...I think you know what I mean here...let's just say that "time out" won't work in this situation. Your baby will probably cry, and you might want to as well. Just stay the course. Repeat this process until time is up. I've noticed that it's generally a little easier on the baby if you're not staring them down; fold your laundry, read your book, but don't leave the room. The most important thing here is being consistent: when baby wanders off the blanket, follow through by returning them to the blanket and disciplining them.
After you've had success at five minutes, start extending the amount of time spent on the blanket. Work your way up to thirty minutes. This may be a sloooooow process. I started training Nora (a little inconsistently) around her birthday, and we're still not up to thirty minutes. My goal is to have her there by the time her little sister arrives.
Blanket time has been such a HUGE blessing in our house. After we trained Phoebe, I noticed a huge difference in her ability to focus on a toy for longer than five seconds. She was also more responsive to other directions. But more than that, the boundaries of the blanket have brought us tremendous freedom. We can take her to meetings and expect her to sit quietly. She's a delight to bring along for doctor's visits. And I'm excited to see some of this same fruit in her sister.
Thanks for sharing Sarah! I've wondered what exactly you were talking about when I've read a reference to "blanket time". Though babies are a ways down the road for us I'm always filing lil tidbits of info from my seasoned friends!
Thank you for this! I've often wondered about the mechanics of training for blanket time. I think we really need to do this. How many times each day do you practice?
you continually surprise & inspire me...i'm so glad to have examples like yours to learn from even before we have little ones around our house. :)
love you
Excellent, little mama! You are such a precious gift! Your training of your children will raise up beautiful adults. You work hard...but all is for such profit...long term!
So good to hear your sweet voice through the phone lines via our Kel! Love you bunches and praying for you...moment by moment. Love to all from ann and the crew at the resort...which is really in igloo form presently!
This is fucking disturbing. You should be locked up...perhaps waterboarded and have your clitoris cut out. A fitting punishment for your type.
You need help, beating an infant is a great way to create socio/psychopaths.
God, this is scary - you are taking the one thing babies can rely on to stay alive and develop: Curiosity and beating it out of them. This is no difference between keeping your child in a cage.
You don't have to live like this! You have a choice, and you can choose to leave your Christianist cult. There are support and recovery services out there to help. It's not too late to use the brain that God gave you.
In other words, beat your child while thinking you've been blessed by god?
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