Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Happy Day

Well, we went to the doctor today. It was fine. The end.

Just kidding!

I don't have the pictures online yet, but we had a wonderful ultrasound. We were able to see so much, and I am always amazed at how miraculous God's tiny little creation is. They were not able to get a picture of the baby's face this time around because the baby was all snuggled up. However, they were able to get a picture of, well, the important stuff.

The news?

Phoebe's going to have a little sister to play with in October! We are all thrilled to have another little girl in the house! And since I know most of you will ask...we have not settled on a name, although we've narrowed it down to a few favorites. We're not keeping it a secret; we'll let you know when we know!

For those of you who guessed girl on yesterday's post (and that was, actually, most of you), I will draw from your names for a handmade surprise. And I promise you'll love it if you win! I will try and let you know tomorrow if you have won. Thanks for joining the fun with all the guessing!


Lauren said...

Congratulations!!! We're very excited for you!

Erin said...

Congrats on girl number 2! It will be fun for Phoebe to have a sister so close in age. Our baby is due on the 18th, just a few days after yours! Hope you are feeling ok with the headaches and all. I am just tired from running after Caleb all day and being pregnant! Thanks for your comment on our blog. I thought maybe I had scared you with the blog stalking comment. Glad that isn't the case.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Another girl! So many outfits that the girls can share and hand down! What a blessing! Well, here is one of the websites I was telling you about: http://www.babyhold.com/ it has name meanings, but I really like the Forum section. People put up TONS of suggestions, and they're really good! I hope this helps! I can't wait to see pictures of the baby, and YOU! Put some belly pictures up here, girl! :D Well, it was GREAT talking to you today! I miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Another girl! Yeah! I NEVER thought I would say this....my husband said it in the delivery room almost 25 years ago...but one of my first thoughts...was his comment from back then...."two weddings!" And he was right! But what a blessing! Then and now. A baby girl and future wedding celebrations...well...I have probably overwhelmed you...I see my job is done...peace out and see you in H-ville. And again, thank you for sharing this awesome news...you were all on my mind and heart...all day long...til the crazy phone call came from an over exhuberant, Kel! :D Congrats! Hugs and Kisses to all! Love, Ann and Steve

Anonymous said...

yeah! congratulations! good thing i trusted my gut feeling :) Phoebe will be such an excellent big sis!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sarah! That will be so fun for Phoebe to have a sister that close in age to her :)